Saturday, April 12, 2008

The beginning

It is now 12:59 am, Saturday, April 12, 2008. It is my 2nd attempt to start a blog, my 1st one went nowhere. Let's see where this one will take me. Hmm, or better yet, let's see where I can take this one.

I've always wanted to create a website about our family. I think every mom wants a platform to broadcast the greatness, cuteness and etc-ness of her kids. And yet, like most moms, I am overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks that I find myself often left with virtually no energy to create or even do anything. But now that I have destroyed our 4 figure, 6 month old, 46 inch LCD TV, I suddenly have some free time on my hands (but with no House, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy to keep me company).

And so I begin.

Wish me luck!

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