Friday, December 26, 2008


And so the virus train made another uninvited stop at the Robles household.

First of all, this was probably our worst Christmas Eve ever. Jef has been sick with a cough and cold for about 2 weeks, and the night before Christmas, his upper lip started to get big, bigger, and bigger. So instead of preparing and eating our noche buena (midnight meal), we had to to go to emergency room at 11:00 pm! A real bummer, I should say. We had to stay in the ER until 2:00 am, the doctors told us that Jef probably developed an allergic reaction to the antibiotics he was taking. He actually looked like he came straight from the Planet of the Apes, when the swelling was at its worst. I was actually trying really hard not to laugh whenever we were talking because it will be really mean, but now we can both laugh about it. And yes, he is now back to his usual handsome self.

After the ER episode, Christmas was indeed a merry one. The kids had a blast opening their gifts. Santa gave Jacob a new Thomas the train bike while Joshua got a Playmobil pirate ship. Jacob was already tricking Joshua to trade his old pirate ship with Joshua's new one, thankfully, the ship still needs to be assembled so we can address this sibling switcheroo later.

We then heard an early afternoon Christmas mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral, had a late lunch at a Japanese restaurant and then gawked at the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Surprisingly, the kids didn't like the tree very much, maybe they were just overwhelmed by the throngs of people in the area.

After spending our noche buena at the emergency room, another J is sick again. Joshua started getting sick when we were at a playdate with his classmates. He vomitted and he had a fever earlier. Hopefully, he will feel better soon.

It is just very hard to keep kids well during the winter season here because they pick up all sorts of viruses and bacteria from their friends and classmates. But hey, that's childhood.

Hope you all had a merry Christmas and hope your new year will be peaceful and prosperous!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Joshua is now 2!

My yummy baby is growing up. Joshua turned 2 yesterday. He really looks like a boy now, no longer a baby.

I am still in denial over that. I looove the baby age, when you can basically smother your kids with kisses and hugs without them minding it. Now as they grow older, they still love to get kisses and hugs, but they can't wait till you let go so they can move to their next adventure.

Anyway, Joshua had a grand time today, yikes yesterday. Tatu and I took the boys to the planetarium, and then Joshua played for a while at Borders while waiting for Jacob, and then we were off to Toys'R'Us to pick up gifts for both of them. The whole family then had dinner at Mars 2112, a space-themed restaurant in Times Square. The kids had a blast in the restaurant soaking up all the planetary sights and creatures, although both of them refused to go in the "spaceship". And of course, they didn't want to leave in the end.

Joshua will have his birthday party on the 28th, although unfortunately we have to move his party to our house, instead of our fave playground at Central Park. Most of the kids we invited are away for the weekend, since most families have taken next week off for the 4th of July holiday. But I am sure it will still be a fun, albeit intimate party.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mother's Day

One month has almost passed since my last post. Ugghh, I hate this, I certainly don't want this blog (and our still unpublished family website) to end up like my other unfinished projects taking up prime space in our bedroom (in this case, in cyberspace). But being a mommy throws you a lot of curveballs. A lot of people think that being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) is easy. Ha! Try doing it yourselves and you'll see how difficult and challenging it is. And you can throw in the most difficult job in the world and still it will not have the same impact. If you fail as a SAHM, then your child is doomed forever. Nah, just kidding- but not really. Not only it is difficult and very challenging, but I always get this nagging feeling to be always at my best, and to give my kids my very best, because they deserve nothing less. You don't doom them forever if you fail or make mistakes, but there's always a chance that it can affect them in a way you didn't imagine.

Yes, it does have a lot of pitfalls but it comes with a lot of gratification. For me, the little moments are the ones that count the most. Whenever my Jacob plants a wet one on my cheek and gives me a big squeeze and a hug, and whenever my little cuddly Joshua leans on me to try to wake me up in the mornings. These are the moments that count.

Getting so sentimental about being a mother? So in the moment.
Happy Mothers' Day to all the mothers out there!

So while we are at it, Happy Mothers' Day, Mommy! I love you and I have always appreciated everything that you've done to all of us. Now I am in the same shoes, I can never imagine how difficult it must have been for you, but you have always made it look so easy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Salsa Time

I need to be in better shape!

Jef and I started our salsa lessons today and I'm telling you, my body is aching in places it has never ached before. Btw, the lesson lasted for 2 hours, so it was really long!

I haven't worked out in a looong while (if you can call lugging the stroller with a toddler up and down the subway steps a work-out, then I am truly fit, but I guess that doesn't count), and so yes, my body has a right to complain. But Jef and I had fun, dancing is something we haven't done since our child-less days! We still have our moves ;) but I just need to be in better shape to last for the whole 2 hours.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The beginning

It is now 12:59 am, Saturday, April 12, 2008. It is my 2nd attempt to start a blog, my 1st one went nowhere. Let's see where this one will take me. Hmm, or better yet, let's see where I can take this one.

I've always wanted to create a website about our family. I think every mom wants a platform to broadcast the greatness, cuteness and etc-ness of her kids. And yet, like most moms, I am overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks that I find myself often left with virtually no energy to create or even do anything. But now that I have destroyed our 4 figure, 6 month old, 46 inch LCD TV, I suddenly have some free time on my hands (but with no House, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy to keep me company).

And so I begin.

Wish me luck!