Monday, January 12, 2009

As always, consulting gets hit first

Though I am already more than 2 years removed from being a management consultant, that is still how I see myself professionally. This is the reason why news like this still makes me feel sad.

Current figures in the UK show that the biggest job loss is in the management consulting sector. Of course, who would still pay high-priced consultants when companies can barely keep themselves afloat?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Golden Globes- List of Winners

So here is the complete list of Golden Globe nominees and winners.

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So that's it. My first live-blog. I had fun while it lasted, I hope you did too. Jef did ;)

Best Picture Drama. Slumdog? Yes it is. The movie's theme song is so catchy and bouncy, I want to get out of the couch and dance. Does this make Slumdog a front-runner at the Oscars? Hmm, maybe not. The academy is much more homogenous than the Hollywood Foreign Press, they will still probably vote for a traditional Oscar-worthy looking film, like Benjamin Button.

Okay, Best Actor Drama. I want Brad to win, but I think he won't.

Mickey Rourke won and he is given a standing ovation. Hollywood really loves comebacks. Mickey gave a good shout-out to his director, Darren Aronofsky, who is also Rachel Weisz' husband. He also just said SOB on air, I thought they still have broadcast delay? He also said balls at least twice. Now they are going to have a longer delay for the Oscars, just in case Mickey wins again.

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Okay, only 14 minutes to go. I can't believe I have been doing this for close to 3 hours now.

Mad Men won for Best TV Drama. Why does it always win?

Kate Winslet just won for Revolutionary Road. 2 for 2 for Kate! She is really good in the movie, but the movie is so depressing. She is so overwhelmed, she needs a bag to breathe. And she said she is far from wrapping up. Leo looks like he is about to cry too when Kate thanked him.

So the Anne Hathaway boo-boo is really a technical error.

Frida Pinto, star of Slumdog Millionaire, looks pretty and nervous, with a bad posture.

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Will Anne Hathaway win tonight, as the HFPA's erroneous press release showed? We have to see Rachel Getting Married to check out if she is really good.

It is discomforting to watch and hear Sacha Baron Cohen in his real voice. And he skewered the people in the room, and was met with a lot of groans. He can just go back to being Borat, or not. Vicky Cristina Barcelona won the Best Musical or Comedy award.

A lot of light-colored gowns tonight. Salma is spilling out of her gown.

Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical- Colin Farrell. At least he looks like he took a shower. Totally out of the left field, even he is shocked that he won.

Best Director. If Danny Boyle wins, then Slumdog wins Best Picture. I hope David Fincher wins. Uggh, Danny Boyle won.

Okay, now its makes sense while Slumdog is sweeping the awards, it's the Hollywood Foreign Press Association who is giving the awards, and of course, these foreign journalists will go for the one movie with the strongest international appeal.

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A montage of Spielberg's films. He has done a lot of really amazing films, both as a director and producer. Totally deserving of the Cecil B. DeMille award and the long standing ovation. Maybe he is the Best Director that we will ever see in our lifetime. Great speech too, and what an amazing storyteller.

Jane Krakowski looks fat, but she is really sexy. Best Actress in TV Musical or Comedy. It's Tina, no doubt. And she won again. She is really on a roll. She doesn't have a cleavage, well, she can't have everything. And she knows she is very lucky. And she said the internet has all the people who just hate her, and she just told them that they all suck. She is really funny. First speech too that got a lot of laughs.

Kate Beckinsale looks nervous. Slumdog Millionaire just won for Best Original Score. Is it going to win Best Picture Drama too? I really like Button, but this movie is good too.

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Glenn Close looks too shiny. Best TV Series Comedy or Musical. It should be 30 Rock. And it is. Tina Fey is still on a roll. She will win Best Actress too. Tracy Morgan is funny, he said he is now the face of the show because Barack Obama won.

Best Actor in Mini-Series or TV Movie. I think its Paul Giamati. And it's him. Megan Fox looks hot. She should not try to be Angelina Jr. and just be herself.

Renee Zellweger looks like a hag. I hate the mermaid tail of her dress, the see-through top. Bad all-over. Why is she presenting The Reader? Just because Anthony Minghella, one of the departed producers of the film, directed her in Cold Mountain, where she won her Oscar?

Leo and Kate are sitting together. They really look good together.

Amy Poehler looks radiant, Patrick Dempsey looks so McDreamy. Best Actor in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy. I knew it's gonna be Alec Baldwin. Alec, say something and not just thank yous. Hey his speech was short, not funny.

Seth Rogen's spiel sounded inappropriate and unfunny. Best Screenplay, I want Benjamin Button to win. But Slumdog Millionaire just won. It's a good movie too. Reminds me so much of Manila.

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Maggie Gyllenhaal's dress is hideous. Best Actress in a Mini-Series or TV Movie. I have no opinion about this one, have not seen any. But Laura Linney won for John Adams. It seems that John Adams will sweep the Mini-Series or TV Movie. It's Laura's first win, she deserves it, this woman is so talented and she seems so smart.

Colin Farrell presented the Best Foreign Language Film. He always seemed to be speaking in a foreign language to me, I can hardly understand his accent.

Demi really looks prettier and younger than Rumer. Tom Cruise looks cute, Robert Downey looks older. This is interesting- Heath Ledger just won for Best Supporting Actor, and there's a standing ovation for him. They just showed a brief clip of Heath in the Dark Knight, he was really good. Chris Nolan's acceptance speech for Heath was short and sweet.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange really look like a mom and daughter team. They're presenting Best Mini-Series of TV Movie. I want to watch Grey Gardens, the Broadway Play that they're adapting for HBO. My pick is John Adams- and it just won. I have the book where they based the movie, and it is still gathering dust on our bookshelf. Tom Hanks said that everybody should read this book, then maybe I should now. He sounded shrill.

Jake Gyllenhaal presented the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It should win Best Picture.

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Johnny Depp looks like he didn't take a shower, and he was scratching his hair, too. Too scruffy. Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical. Emma Thompson looks good. Sally Hawkins won for Happy Go Lucky. Meryl just gave her a standing ovation on her way to the podium. That was so sweet, Meryl. Sally is so overwhelmed and can't even read her notes. Okay, now its better that she is just talking and not reading anything. Pure emotions, and then she said it's all gone and started reading again.

Jonas Brothers presenting the Best Animated Future Film. Of course, it's Wall-E. Too bad, that its Best Picture Oscar buzz just died.

Ricky Gervais just shushed the crowd. JLo did too, the audience must be really noisy and drunk. And what is he doing? He is just doing a stand-up? Not presenting? Oh, he is, Happy Go Lucky.

Anna Paquin just won for Best Actress in a TV Series Drama, and had a laundry list of people to thank.

Sally Fields' dress looks so plain.

Hugh Laurie just lost to Gabriel Byrne for Best Actor in a TV Series Drama. Dr. House should have won.

The president of HFPA just singled out Steven (Spielberg) in his welcome. Ah okay, Steven is receiving the Cecil B. Demille Award.

Eva Mendes is wearing a topaz chandelier on her neck. She is presenting the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.

Close-up Brad Pitt. He really looks hot.

Don Cheadle looks good bald.

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Laura Dern won for Best Supporting Actress in a bla-bla-bla for TV. Billy Bob left her when he hooked up with Angelina and she is now friends with Jennifer Aniston, who Brad also left for Angelina.

Hurray for the AARP set. A lot of senior citizens have been nominated- Eastwood, Wilkinson, Eileen Atkins.

Tom Wilkinson just won Best Supporting Actor in a bla-bla-bla for TV. This guy just became famous for being part of The Full Monty.

Golden Globes- My live blog

Demi is much prettier than Rumer, the current Ms. Golden Globe.

Best Original Song, of course it's Springsteen. The others didn't have a prayer.

Kate Winslett just won- she said she's not used to winning. Her speech sucks though. She shouldn't have done a rollcall, she should have just made an impromptu speech.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I really made the right choice

As this article says, women tend to like smarter men because they are better providers (wait, what happened to the appeal of the bad boys?), and also as it turns out, they have more sperm than they're less blessed counterparts.

This just goes to show that I made the right choice in marrying Jef, who is a MENSA, fwiw.

I am just amused though that these kinds of studies continue to proliferate, or maybe they have not really increased in numbers, but they just get more exposure now.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Step

Yipeee! I finally made it to the gym today!

Getting healthy and fit seems to be back in vogue these days, just like Oprah. Women have different reasons why they gain weight, Oprah said she abused food. I did not, I just let myself go.

They said that it is always harder to lose weight after the second baby, in my case, it was undeniable. After giving birth to Jacob, all the weight that I gained during the pregnancy just seemed to melt off my body. I was back to my old jeans pre-pregnancy less than a week after I gave birth. With Joshua, the weight stayed. I breastfed him for 8 months, during that time, I didn't gain any more weight, but the pounds were really very slow to come off. When I weaned him, that's when I started to gain weight.

It was also around the time that we found out that Jacob had special needs (speech and social delays, sensory issues). Totally clueless about special needs, it was really hard for me. For more than a year, I was really miserable. I totally dedicated myself to understanding and getting what Jacob needed, and what's worse, I also found out that Joshua has the same special needs too. That's when I disappeared, that I seized to exist, that my only reason for being then was to provide my kids whatever they need.

Sometimes I can not even believe how I looked like in my pictures. I looked homely- or "losyang" as how we put it in Tagalog. But the sadder thing was, I didn't care.

That was then though. Both Jacob and Joshua are thriving in their new schools, and somewhere along the way, I have finally completed the stages of grief. I have now reached acceptance, and I am now completely at peace with the fact that I am a mom of 2 special needs kids. It is still hard, yes, but I can deal.

That is why I am starting to be interested in myself again. I am trying to eat healthier and also trying to be less picky with food, so my kids will not grow up to be like me. I am trying to be more active, so I will be able to keep up with their high energy level. I also got myself some new clothes, in my current size, vowing that I am not going to wear them for a long time. For the longest time, I still tried to squeeze into my old clothes, since I was in denial of how I've gotten bigger. My muffintop was frequently on display then.

Understanding the kids' special needs also led me to understand myself better. Joshua is a floppy boy, because of his low muscle tone, and guess where he got it? Don't look far. Understanding how my low muscle tone affects my body perception and my behavior has really helped me a lot. I have more manageable expectations now as to what I can or can not do. Lose 10 pounds in 30 days? Maybe not. So I am starting slowly. Go walking, use the threadmill. Baby steps. I have already done the most difficult thing to achieve my goal, I have taken the first step, the next ones should not be that hard.

Friday, January 2, 2009

6 years

Engagement Picture, April 2002

1 MBA degree

4 apartments

3 continents

3 jobs

4 preschools

1 CFA exam

and most importantly, 2 kids

All in 6 glorious, challenging, tiring and happy married years.

Jef and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary yesterday, New Year's Day. Like any other event falling on a major holiday, our anniversary does not get as much attention it deserves. Blame the Arthur Andersen guys I used to work with who brainwashed me about avoiding the marriage tax penalty, that's why we decided it might make more financial sense to get married on the 1st of the year. But on the second thought, who am I kidding? Given the Christmas holiday timeframe of our wedding, it will still not get the attention it deserves no matter which day we decided to do it.

But every year, we try hard to celebrate our successes and look back to see how we can move forward, and be a better spouse to each other. Yes, it is not easy, but I think we are on the right track.

Happy anniversary, Be. I can never think of a better person to spend the rest of my life with.